A recent study cited 57% of consumers are willing to change their purchasing habits to reduce their negative environmental impact. Every April, Earth Day gives us a chance to evaluate the products we’re using and challenges us to align with a more eco-conscious approach. From biodegradable packaging to sustainably-sourced ingredients… I road tested a ton of […]
The Hottest Beauty Trends For 2021
by on Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020
New Year… New You… I Know You’re More Than Ready If you consider yourself a beauty products aficionado, did you know every 4 out of 5 American women state they regularly follow the latest beauty trends? On average, a woman uses 12 products on her body & hair everyday. So what are the biggest beauty […]
Beauty Products That “Think Pink” For Breast Cancer Awareness & Research
by on Thursday, October 17th, 2019
The Segment & Blog We Can All Rally Behind! Did you know that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. So every October, I make up my own beauty BCA telethon on the KTLA Morning News and give myself roughly 5 minutes to pitch viewers 6 beauty brands retailing products that are donating anywhere between […]
Here Comes The Bride! A 4WK Beauty Plan Of Action, Part II
by on Wednesday, June 28th, 2017
THE WEDDING BEAUTY PREP GUIDE BOOK Weddings are big commitments! And I don’t mean to just your partner… I’m talking about a commitment to getting ready for everything from the engagement party to the bridal shower straight through to the big day. I have affectionately dubbed this journey as “The Process To Pretty.” It not […]
Post Memorial Day Beauty RX (Baked & Burned? Read HERE!)
by on Sunday, May 28th, 2017
POST MEMORIAL DAY RX You partied like a rockstar all Memorial Weekend long. But now good old reality sets in: Your hair is fried, skin’s looking lobster red and your energy level is on empty. And guess where you get to return to? Work! So how would I handle this “Code Red” (pun intended) situation […]
Holiday Sanity Survival Guide
by on Saturday, December 17th, 2016
HOLIDAY SANITY SURVIVAL GUIDE Throughout the month of December Ho, Ho, Ho is more like Ho, Ho, GO! Go to your kids holiday recital, go to every friend’s holiday party, go to your office party, go shopping for the perfect gifts, go eat every unhealthy thing under the sun. So, by the time we arrive […]
New Year’s Eve 2017 Beauty POA (Plan Of Action)
by on Friday, December 16th, 2016
NEW YEAR’S EVE McGUYVER TACTICAL POA (PLAN OF ACTION) You might look sparkly and fabulous at the top of your New Year’s Evening, BUT the bigger question remains to be answered… Will you look equally sparkly and fabulous AFTER a night of rebel celebrating as the sun comes up January 1, 2017? If you don’t […]
My Fall Guide To Sleeping More & Looking Foxier!
by on Saturday, October 15th, 2016
STACY’S FALL GUIDE TO SLEEPING MORE & LOOKING FOXIER! What if I told you… I have know the secret sauce to gaining MORE beauty sleep, and spending less time in front of the bathroom mirror getting ready? Seriously? Really? Truth! I know this sounds too good to be true. Plus it definitely sounds like a […]
4 Beauty Brands Pushing The Envelop To New Levels!
by on Saturday, October 15th, 2016
4 BRANDS RAISING THE BAR WITH OUR APPEARANCES, WELLNESS & CONFIDENCE! Do you have questions about cosmetic surgery and aren’t sure where to turn for honest info? Or do you have acne and feel like you’ve tried absolutely everything? I’m right there with you! So to this end, I’ve been busy researching 4 brands pushing […]