Summer’s Biggest Beauty Blunders & The Tricks To Solve Them Fast! Go ahead and steal a page from my playbook about how to resolve the worst beauty disasters that can mess with your “pretty” throughout summer 2017! If you’re suddenly stricken with a “Humidity Breakout,” a “Skunk Stripe,” a “Peel-culiar Disaster,” or “Face Melt” I […]
Posts Tagged ‘Body Wash’
Mom’s Day Gift Guide, XOXO!
by on Monday, May 4th, 2015
MOTHER’S DAY GIFT GUIDE: LITTLE INDULGENCES MOM WOULDN’T DO FOR HERSELF! Does your Mom, Grandma or Aunt always say the same leading up to Mother’s Day ‘Whatever you do, I don’t want you to spend a lot of money on me!’ They’re so sweet to worry about us and not to mention our budgets right? […]