REFUEL BODY AND SOUL AHEAD OF 2019! Phoenix, AZ, Arizona Midday…. Come January we’ll talk a lot about how to inspire a “New Year, New You” approach to taking better care of yourself. BUT why are we waiting for the start of 2019 to self improve, when all the info to amplify our appearances and […]
Posts Tagged ‘Smile’
AM/PM Beauty Routine…M.I.A.???
by on Sunday, April 20th, 2014
AM/PM Beauty Routine…M.I.A.? Okay Let’s Regroup & Overhaul… Do one of these descriptions describe you to a “T,” if asked to sum up your AM/PM beauty routine? “What routine? Does going to sleep in my makeup count? That’s a routine right?” “Lip gloss, mascara, cup off coffee…GO!” “Oh yeah right…that scar from last year…won’t it […]
Medicine Cabinet Makeover Seen on CW San Diego Living
by on Wednesday, March 26th, 2014
MEDICINE CABINET MAKEOVER TOPIC: Spring cleaning finds it’s way to your bathroom medicine cabinet! As we move through our homes cleaning frenzy…we’ve arrived at the water closet, el bano, the salle de bain…OR as we all lovingly refer to it…the bathroom! Beauty expert, Stacy Cox got her rubber duckies in a row and has the […]
Academy Awards Beauty Tips From The Pros
by on Monday, February 24th, 2014
HOW IMPORTANT IS YOUR SMILE…REALLY? Pretty gosh darn important when you think about it. A smile is a wordless expression anyone can use to connect. It’s a universal symbol we can all appreciate. It’s powerful too. It can elicit instant feelings of warmth, compassion, pride, joy, humor and understanding just to name a few. And […]
3D White & E!’s Grammy Selfie Contest Will Land 1 Lucky Person On TV!
by on Saturday, January 25th, 2014
A Vegas showstopper & Dancing With The Stars Champion once said…“I never smile unless I really mean it!” Those pearls of wisdom sprang from the lips of the uber talented Donny Osmond! It’s not often one gets to quote a 70’s Tiger Beat heartthrob, so you gotta run with these quirky moments. The thing is, […]