STACY’S SUMMER SLANG SEGMENT WHAT’S THIS SEGMENT ABOUT? As 80”s Girl Group Bananarama sang “It’s a cruel, cruel summer…” But you know what?? It’s even crueler, if you don’t have all the right tools to “preserve your pretty!” Excessive sun, chlorine, sweat and sea salt can melt even the most mesmerizing mermaid. So I’ve been […]
Posts Tagged ‘Plaque’
AM/PM Beauty Routine…M.I.A.???
by on Sunday, April 20th, 2014
AM/PM Beauty Routine…M.I.A.? Okay Let’s Regroup & Overhaul… Do one of these descriptions describe you to a “T,” if asked to sum up your AM/PM beauty routine? “What routine? Does going to sleep in my makeup count? That’s a routine right?” “Lip gloss, mascara, cup off coffee…GO!” “Oh yeah right…that scar from last year…won’t it […]