GREEN YOUR BEAUTY ROUTINE! With Earth Day coming up on Friday 4/22 and buzz is building across the U.S. to take a second look at the way we live. Are there greener, more environmentally friendly ways to recycle, green our beauty routine, eat smart and save energy in creative ways! So I’ve been compiling research […]
Posts Tagged ‘No Nonsense’
Lazy Girl’s Guide To Fall Beauty
by on Wednesday, October 14th, 2015
LAZY GIRLS GUIDE TO FALL BEAUTY… AS SEEN ON NBC PHOENIX, ARIZONA MIDDAY, 10/14/15: Dying for daylight savings to kick in so we can grab that extra hour of beauty sleep back? We know, us too. But until it finally arrives on November 1, Beauty & Lifestyle Expert, Stacy Cox, did some detective work and […]
My RX To Amp Up Your Summer Sizzle
by on Saturday, July 25th, 2015
MY RX HOW TO AMP UP YOUR SUMMER SIZZLE!!! (As seen on CW Good Day Sacramento) I’m pretty hooked on social media! Instagram and Facebook have replaced crossword puzzles during a “potty break!” However, I think one of the biggest drawbacks ladies wrestle with is once a photo goes up of your new dress or hairstyle… your […]