MY 2016 HOLIDAY GLAM GIFT GUIDE Pretty much everyone who’s anyone is publishing a holiday gift guide blog. Hey why not? It’s 2016! Whether you’re my mail carrier, my beloved dry cleaning couple or the spunky lady who air brushes me a lovely shade of tan over at Sunset Tan… we’re all blogging our points […]
Posts Tagged ‘Miracle in a Jar’
Baked, Burnt & Hungover! Summer’s Not So Sexy Moments
by on Thursday, July 21st, 2016
BAKED FRIED BURNT & HUNGOVER! SUMMER’S NOT SO SEXY MOMENTS! This summer if you wind up over dosing on way too much sun, surf, sand, chips, salsa and margaritas… fear not! I headed to the nationally syndicated talk show, Hollywood Today Live and shared a little RX with hosts, Garcelle Beauvais and Kristen Brockman. My mission […]
Black Friday Survival Guide
by on Tuesday, November 25th, 2014
BLACK FRIDAY, SHOP TILL YOU DROP SURVIVAL GUIDE!!!! The countdown is ON FOR BLACK FRIDAY! And if your like me and take the holiest of all shopping days seriously, then you’re up at 4AM to get a jump on everyone. However this die hard mentality can take it’s toll on you physically and mentally. By lunch time, your pick and go just got up […]
How Mederma Saved Me From My Curling Iron…
by on Monday, November 10th, 2014
” SCARRED STRAIGHT!” HOW MEDERMA SAVED ME FROM MY CURLING IRON! When you’re watching an old Clint Eastwood movie or anything with Bruce Willis or Sly Stallone starring and they’re sporting a scar or two on their face you immediately think: “Rugged,” “Tough…” maybe a few of us ladies might even connect with […]
AM/PM Beauty Routine…M.I.A.???
by on Sunday, April 20th, 2014
AM/PM Beauty Routine…M.I.A.? Okay Let’s Regroup & Overhaul… Do one of these descriptions describe you to a “T,” if asked to sum up your AM/PM beauty routine? “What routine? Does going to sleep in my makeup count? That’s a routine right?” “Lip gloss, mascara, cup off coffee…GO!” “Oh yeah right…that scar from last year…won’t it […]