PRE-OSCAR RED CARPET BEAUTY SCOOP & GOSSIP From Reese to Cardi B…. From Lady Gaga To Margot Robbie… I’ve been researching the red carpet, inside scoop on how you can capture some the hottest hair and makeup trends whether you’re headed to the Oscars this Sunday OR it’s a wedding or class reunion you’re excited […]
Posts Tagged ‘lipstick’
NBC California Live’s 60 Second Beauty Boost
by on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019
THE 60 SECOND BEAUTY BOOST If right now, you’d love 5 easy tricks to boost your appearance in under 60 seconds when you’re on-the-go… I think I have just what you’re on the hunt for. I’ll go as far to say that some of these beauty secrets will make even Wonder Woman, herself, want to […]
Think Pink 2018 ~ 31 Days To Shop & Support Breast Cancer Awareness
by on Monday, October 1st, 2018
Ready To Kick Your “Shop Till You Drop Mentality” Into Full Gear? Over The Next 31 Days, You Can Help Save Lives And Raise $$ To Find A Cure For Breast Cancer… LOS ANGELES, CA… Need a new lipstick? Or how about giving your pucker some peace for the next 24 hours? Is […]
READ ME! This is NOT Your Conventional Post VMA Blog
by on Friday, September 11th, 2015
MAKEUP, MUSIC, MOON MEN & MILEY = THE VMAS FROM MY VANTAGE Hey there! Just thinking out loud, I could also have titled my post: Mascara, Minaj & Marijuana!?! Or would this be pushing it? Okay this sounds a smidgen over the top! However there are so many silly ways I can run with this, […]
“Poise” & Confidence Better Than Mascara?
by on Wednesday, March 25th, 2015
Are “Poise” & Confidence Better Than Mascara? Ladies will you set your makeup brushes down for a moment? Or IF you’re about to hit “send “on a text to your lash extension girl to book your next appointment, hang on, you can do this in a second. Or better yet: IF you’re in the reception area […]
#GetThatGlam Just Like Katy Perry Did @ Grammys!
by on Tuesday, February 10th, 2015
YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE A CELEBRITY TO LOOK LIKE ONE! Net/Net… This notion at the top was my take away after spending my morning at Siren Studios LA with the CoverGirl and Herbal Essences Glam Squads this past Monday. It’s true when Katy Perry strutted the red carpet at Sunday evening’s Grammy Awards in […]